A Dream for a Carbon Neutral Borough

Our dream is for a carbon neutral Wokingham Borough, where our community would breathe clean air and enjoy clean and green bio-diverse spaces. People would walk, wheel, scoot or cycle, use accessible public transport and low-emission vehicles. Homes, businesses, places of work and leisure would be low-carbon and energy efficient, powered by renewables and use innovative technologies that pave the way forward for future generations. Wokingham would be an inclusive and diverse community, where everyone plays their part in contributing towards a low-carbon future.A dream for a carbon neutral Borough, developed following the “Dream session” of the 2022 “Let’s Talk Climate” community workshop.

This dream cannot be achieved without your help, whether at home, work, or while you travel, small changes can add up to tackle our climate emergency. 

The time to act on climate change is now. Even though all of us are such a small part of the change that is needed, if we take action and consciously try to live a lower-carbon lifestyle, we can help to tackle the climate emergency.  Be part of the change towards a carbon neutral future.

Selected Climate Change titles

  • Forget me not : finding the forgotten species of climate-change Britain by Sophie Pavelle.
  • Simply Climate Change – DK
  • Resilient garden : sustainable gardening for a changing climate by Tom Massey.
  • The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg
  • The hidden universe : adventures in biodiversity by Alexandre Antonelli.
  • The new climate war : the fight to take back our planet by Michael E. Mann.
  • Breaking boundaries : the science behind our planet by Johan Rockstrom, Owen Gaffney.
  • Net zero : how we stop causing climate change by Professor Dieter Helm.
  • Green living made easy : 101 eco tips, hacks and recipes to save time and money by Nancy Birtwhistle.
  • The self-sufficiency garden : feed your family and save money by Huw Richards, Sam Cooper.
  • The compost coach : make compost, build soil and grow a regenerative garden – wherever you live! by Kate Flood.

Selected Climate Change titles for children

  • The story of climate change : a first book about how we can help save our planet by Catherine Barr and Steve Williams ; illustrated by Amy Husband and Mike Love.
  • Bloom by Julie Seal.
  • Very Short Introduction for Curious Young Minds: The Causes and Impact of Climate Change by Clive Gifford
  • How to change everything : the young human’s guide to protecting the planet and each other by Naomi Klein and Rebecca Stefoff.
  • Solving the climate crisis by Alice Harman.
  • Earth heroes : 20 inspiring stories of people saving our world by Lily Dyu, Amy Blackwell.
  • Green : the story of plant life on our planet by Nicola Davies ; illustrated by Emily Sutton.

All titles listed are available at Wokingham Borough libraries

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