Have you tried the Libby App? with troubleshooting FAQs.

Our eLibrary is now available on the Libby app, which you can download from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. You will need your library card number and PIN to sign in.

If you get any of the following messages, please see the solutions below:

I need my PIN to log in, but I can’t remember what it is, how do I get a new PIN? If you don’t know your PIN you can reset the PIN here: https://wokingham.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/PGM/wPAC/CCOPT/RPWD/1  and the system will email you with a new number.

Otherwise you are able to email a photo of your ID (with address) and send to libraries@wokingham.gov.uk Identification showing your name and current address such as driving licence, bank statement with bank card or utility bill less than 3 months old. Staff will then email a PIN to you, using the email address on your libraries account.

I don’t have a linked email on my library card, so I haven’t received the email?

Without an email you can’t use the “forgot your password” link unfortunately.

Options are:

•If you don’t have a linked email but you do use email you can contact libraries@wokingham.gov.uk with a photo/attachment of your I.D

• Ask to have your PIN changed on your next visit to the library (bring ID).

• If you don’t have email and are not coming into the library the last resort is to do a join online form and get a temporary account which you can use for overdrive. Once you start coming back to the library we can delete this account and change the PIN on your main account.

Am getting one of the following errors, “error – unable to find user” or “Invalid library card”, what do they mean?

Your ticket is no longer on our system as it has not been used in branch for a while.  RBDigital was a different system with a different set of login details. You can re-join by applying for a temporary library ticket on our website https://wokingham.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/wPAC/JOIN This will give you a new number and PIN to use on the Libby app.

I’m receiving a message saying ‘OPAC violation’ what does this mean?

There is a block on your ticket which appears after three failed login attempts. Please message us at libraries@wokingham.gov.uk and we will re-enable your ticket. If you don’t know your PIN you can reset the PIN here: https://wokingham.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/PGM/wPAC/CCOPT/RPWD/1  and the system will email you with a new number.

Once you are in the Libby app, you will see two options at the bottom of the screen – Library and Shelf. Tapping ‘Library’ will take you to the home page, tapping ‘Shelf’ takes you to your personal page, where you will see all your loans and holds.

There are several ways to search for books on Libby. At the top of the home page is a search option, where you can type in an author, title or keyword.

Scroll down the page and you will find options to look at new titles, popular titles, or what is currently available to borrow.

Further down the page you will find several collections – books on a theme, gathered together to make it easier to browse.

When you find a book or audiobook you fancy, tap on the image to bring up the details, and then tap the ‘Borrow’ option to check it out for 3 weeks. Then just tap on the ‘Open Book’ or ‘Open Audiobook’ option to get started.

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